Esko Public School Athletic Online Registration
Make sure to read all of the information on this page before clicking on the icon below to register for activities hosted at Esko.
Families have experienced issues using Safari, if you have trouble registering your child please try a different web browser.
**If you have an existing account and registered the same student before, please LOG IN to your family account to prevent registration error.
Under the "Registration History" page, click "Register" then choose "Register (followed by your child's name) from the drop-down or add new student if registering another child.
When asked for student email please enter their school issued email address, not the parents!
As of September 1, 2019 there is a 3% user fee for all credit card payments in the athletic registration website. However, the "Pay Later" option allows you to pay participation fees in the high school office in cash or check and avoid the 3% credit card user fee.
Activities Director: Chad Stoskopf
Step 1: Required - Pay Fees - Pay Activity and Participation Fees here. (If you prefer to pay by check, you must pay at the High School office.) Families who qualify for free or reduced lunch must fill out the paperwork in the district office then give permission to the district office staff to inform the athletic department so we can adjust the fees accordingly.
IMPORTANT: If you are a TRANSFER STUDENT you are unable to register online until you fill out the Student Transfer Form. You will receive an email from when you are able to register.
Step 2: Required - Eligibility Forms - Fill out and submit the online registration form. (Note* When registering for athletics or activities please have one family account associated with your student. The program will not allow you to submit a registration form if the students name is already associated with a different family account)
Please choose and click the registration form above.
Step 3: Sports Physical - Athletes must have a current sports qualifying physical exam on file in the Activities Office. Sport physicals are good for three years from date of your last physical, and must remain current throughout the entire sports season.
This option allows a student who needs a sport's physical to print a blank sports physical form for your physician to complete. 2024-2025 Sports Physical printable form
Once your physical form has been completed by your doctor, email a copy to
Step 4: Players and Cheerleaders are expected to:
- For CEC sports (Alpine Ski, Hockey, B. LAX, Nordic Ski, G. Swimming and Diving, Tennis, Wrestling) register by following this link Contact Paul Reiss, Cloquet A.D. 879-3393 or to inquire about pre-season meetings. Fees for CEC sports must be paid at Cloquet High School.
- Athletes interested in Boys Swim & Dive or Golf please register at Any questions, contact Jeff Gunderson at 218-628-0704 or at Proctor High School. Click here for boys swimming
Athletes interested in G. LAX, contact Alex White at Hermantown High School via email or at 218-626-6018.
Participate in all practices and games (coaches must be notified of any conflict).
- Maintain their uniform and wear it only for games (Any athlete, who does not return her uniform in good condition, will be billed through the Business Office).
- Return to Esko with team from away games (Any exceptions require a signed Travel Release Form).
- The School District DOES NOT provide any type of health or accident insurance for injuries incurred by your child at school. We encourage families to have accident coverage on their children, prior to participation in any sports or school sponsored activity. You may purchase coverage from the company of your choice.
Step 5: Important Information
Covid -19 Information click here
- Overuse and Injury Prevention information click here
- *To parents and athletes: Please watch this amazing video on WHY WE PLAY. click here to watch video
- Registration questions or problems contact: